Wednesday, 16 June 2021

Water Experiments



Water Tension DLO


How much tension can multiple water droplets hold?


Test water tension on a 20c coin


Can the coin hold 8 drops on the heads side?


  • Equipment

  • method

We got given a straw,

A flask of 20ml of water and a 20c coin. 

We used the straw to collect the water by sealing the pressure on the top of the straw and slowly releasing the pressure of the water to make a water droplet fall on the coin.

Collect Data

7 drops on heads side, 18 on tails side.


We could fit 18 droplets on the tails of the coin.


We think that this was the limit because we couldn’t manage to fit anymore droplets on the coin. There was another group that could only get to the same amount.


We had a hypothesis and that was how many droplets of water could fit on a 20c coin. We estimated 5 droplets of water on the heads side of a 20 cent coin, the result we got was 7 drops of water on the coin before the surface tension burst and the water flowed off the coin!

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